Pak approach towards COVID

DURING current wave of Corona pandemic, Pakistan’s approach to overcome it is satisfactory both on federal and provincial level except the tragic incident which took place in Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar and cost 10 precious lives. This incident should be properly investigated, defaulter should be punished and necessary measures must be taken to avoid its occurrence in future.
However, Federal and Provincial governments should use more strictness in implementation of Corona SOPs. The Frontier post will suggest to the NCOC and government that presently in Restaurants, Hotels, Cafes and other places which deals in edible items are using utensils continuously after an improper wash. This practice is likely a big source of spreading Corona in our society if these places should be advised to use disposable utensils. It can be a big breakthrough in overcoming the Corona pandemic in the Country.
While the second wave of Corona pandemic is on its rise throughout the Country but the ratio of confirmed cases in Sindh Province particularly in two big cities of Karachi and Hyderabad is far more than any other part of the province and even in the Country. According to Reports, after assessment of the current and future worsening situation of pandemic the Sindh government decision to import more Corona Test kits is a timely and wise enough step in right direction.
Sindh Government adapted similar pro-active and offensive approach during first wave of Corona Pandemic and achieved remarkable success at this front. Although Federal government is taking every steps to meet the requirements essential to overcome Corona virus and fulfilling the provincial requirements through NDMA satisfactorily despite of financial constraints and less resources however if a province desire to use its own resources to meet its requirements it should be well come by all stakeholders.