Pak-China Floriculture cooperation to boost Pakistan’s economy

BEIJING: “Pakistan is a country of small farming households with a long history and rich experience in floriculture. There is a huge potential for cooperation between China and Pakistan in the flower industry,” said Naeem Iqbal Cheema, Political Counsellor at the Embassy of Pakistan in China.
Floriculture is a high-profit industry. In recent years, multiple related programs started in Pakistan to encourage farmers to plant flowers. Hashopee Garden in Gilgit-Baltistan is one of the examples. “We want to show people that flowers are not only used for beauty, for weddings and funerals, but also an important economic crop. Farmers can get maximum income from a small area through floricultural crop production,” said GM Saqib, deputy director of the Department of Agriculture, Shigar, Gilgit-Baltistan. Now, the new cash crop, flower, is gaining popularity among local farmers.
“Here you will find more than 80 flower varieties in Hashopee Garden. It is a very profitable business that we should bring people to. For instance, one kanal of land can produce 10,000 sticks of lily flower, and one stick can sell for 400 rupees in the market of Karachi. The lily bulbs left in the ground after cutting is also a separate asset with separate value. This is dual income.” Saqib said, emphasizing the high profit of the flower industry.
“Two important climatic factors are required for flower bulb production. One is the large difference in temperature between day and night. The other is the dry weather with low rainfall. These conditions are very suitable in Gilgit-Baltistan and many other places in Pakistan.” He added. To boost the potential of Pakistan’s floriculture industry, further efforts in technology improvement and industrialization need to be done.
As Pakistan has very good ties with China, which is now the world’s largest flower producer as well as an important participant in the foreign trade of flowers, China can be a potential partner that Pakistan can cooperate with and has great floricultural experience that Pakistan can refer to.
Pingyin county of Shandong, China is now home to a rose planting area of about 4,000 hectares and more than 40 rose processing enterprises. –Agencies