Pak, Chinese experts hold video discussion

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: “China-Eurasia National Health Sector Expert video conference was magnificent. The experts shared their hands on experience with so many countries. So many of our queries resolved and concepts improved. We are extremely grateful to China and in particular to the experts for providing this opportunity under stressing times.
We all move together!” Executive Director of National Institute of Health Pakistan, Dr. Major General Aamer Ikram said.
On 20 March, top Chinese medical experts held a 4-hour video conference on prevention and control of COVID-19 with nearly 20 countries in the European-Central Asia and South Asia Region. Professor Gao Fu, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Director General of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), Professor Wu Zunyou, Chief Epidemiologist of China CDC, Professor Wang Guangfa, Director of the Department of Respiratory medicine, Peking University First Hospital introduced the Chinese experience in fighting COVID-19 in highly professional way and answered questions from each countries in detail. On behalf of Pakistan, NIH took part in the conference with 15-20 experts in presence. Dr. Uzma Bashir, representative from WHO Pakistan Country Office also joined the meeting.