Pakistan backs Afghan peace

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa emphasized that misperceptions and scapegoating must be avoided to counter designs of spoilers. The COAS was addressing the two-day 242nd Corps Commanders’ Conference at GHQ on Wednesday. According to ISPR, the Army Chief expressed satisfaction over stringent measures being taken for ensuring effective border control as part of the comprehensive Border Management Regime and ordered for a high level of vigilance along the western Border. COAS particularly highlighted the importance Pakistan attaches to the peace in neighboring Afghanistan and potential prospects of shared prosperity through regional connectivity, bilateral and multilateral trade, and economic cooperation between the two brotherly countries if the dream comes true. The Army Chief informed the Corps Commander about Pakistan’s sincere efforts to facilitate Afghan Peace Process leading towards a negotiated settlement. COAS was of the view that being a collective responsibility, all stakeholders must play their part positively for enduring peace in Afghanistan which is pivotal for stability in the region. According to Pak Army media wing, the conference was given a detailed briefing on the evolving situation along Pak-Afghan International Border, its implications on Pakistan’s Internal Security, and measures being taken to tackle emerging challenges. As said, the forum held in depth discussion on the multifarious security challenges faced by Pakistan in various domains in the evolving environment and underscored the need for adopting a whole of nation approach. The Pakistan Army is the nation’s most important, highly disciplined, well organized and time-tested institution, which always came up to the expectations of the public. Over the period of 7 decades this institution emerged as a guarantee of the Security and Sovereignty of the Country. The recent Corps Commanders conference was convened at a very crucial and sensitive time when Pakistan is facing enormous challenges to its internal and external security, economic stability, and future potential prosperity. The Army Chief portrayed a clear picture of Pakistan’s sincere efforts for Afghanistan peaceful political settlement because Pakistan’s peace and prosperity are attached but up to some extent dependent on Afghanistan’s peace and stability during the coming days. Therefore, the world and Afghan government must realize the facts and acknowledge Pakistan’s sincere contribution to the Afghanistan peace Process.
However, there is another view which further helps us identify the spoilers of Afghan Peace Process at this critical junction. The world and people of Afghanistan must think which country does not suit the peace, regional connectivity, trade, and development in the Af-Pak region during the coming days. India is the sole Country in the world which would be in serious loss if Peace restores, and an economic activity generates between Pakistan and Central Asia States via Afghanistan and from China to the rest of the World through CPEC. If this happens, then India would be singled out in the whole region and it would be a terrifying dream for the Modi regime and cronies.

Due to this reason, India has practically sabotaged the Afghan Peace Process with the help of the Ghani government. Indian propaganda machinists are actively working to deepen the distrust between the Afghan government and Pakistan by manipulating the events and statements of political leadership. However, Pakistan has demonstrated restraint at provocative actions and narrative of Afghan leadership and emphasized to strengthen the mutual bonds to help save the interests of both nations. Therefore, it is high time that Afghan leadership must abandon its policy of blame game and work to mend the ties for achievement of shared and collective destiny of both brotherly Countries during the coming days.