Pakistan calls for equality in Vaccine distribution

Foreign Desk Report

NEW YORK: Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Munir Akram has stressed equality in coronavirus vaccine distribution and access on Wednesday. Addressing the opening session of Latin America and the Caribbean Forum virtually, he said the vaccine must be available to everyone, rich or poor, as soon as possible, warning that the virus will be back if the situation is otherwise.
Last week, Pakistan had joined a United Nations (UN) public advocacy campaign ‘Only Together’ which calls for coronavirus vaccines to be available to everyone and everywhere to contain the deadly pandemic.
In a tweet, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Munir Akram had said he is joining the UN in a call to ensure equitable access and distribution of the coronavirus vaccine. He had said it is vital to control the pandemic for quick recovery of the virus-hit world economy.
Moreover, Prime Minister Imran Khan had also called for equitable distribution of coronavirus vaccine.Back in January, the prime minister, at the fourth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva, called for proposing an equitable supply of the coronavirus vaccine in the developing countries.