‘Pakistan, China aim for dev’t of tourism Industry’

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BEIJING: Pakistan Ambassador to China, Moin ul Haque on Friday said there was an endless potential of tourism industry development between Pakistan and China believing that the two countries would work together for development of industry. “A Chinese website has been set up for this purpose, which I believe will be available to you soon.
In view of the long-standing friendly relations between China and Pakistan, I am sure that our two countries will work together to develop the endless potential of the tourism industry of both sides,” he said while delivering a speech via video on the Unveiling Ceremony of Qingdao Boutique Tourism Promotion Association.
He emphasized upon the significance of tourism in strengthening cultural exchanges, investment promotion and social and economic development between countries on the occasion.
Ambassador Haque said, development of tourism played a vital role in the development of China’s rural and remote areas. It was also an indispensable part of the task of getting rid of poverty.
During the recovery period of the epidemic era, its importance has been further demonstrated in many countries, including China.
He said Pakistan, as a country with an ancient civilization, its beautiful landscape and rich cultural diversity is rapidly growing into a major tourist destination in the region. Pakistani government was actively promoting related tourism construction to attract more international tourists to take Pakistan as their preferred tourist destination. He also highlighted investment opportunities for the development of tourism infrastructure in Pakistan.
Earlier, Pakistan Ambassador to China, Moin ul Haque has said that Chinese success in rural development was worth emulating for developing countries like Pakistan which were striving for national development and socio-economic progress.
It has inspired us with a new hope that poverty is not ordained in mans destiny and that it can be uprooted by dispassionate, concerted and sustainable efforts, he said while addressing the 2020 BRI Beautiful Village Forum, themed Building a Beautiful Village by Holding Hands with BRI, held in Longnan, Gansu province of China.
He believed that rural development is facing a series of issues such as massive urbanization, inequality and environmental degradation imperiling prospects of future growth which led to low productivity, poor rural infrastructure, digital exclusion and meagre access to financial markets.