Pakistan Citizen Portal’s review

PRIME Minister Imran Khan praised Pakistan Citizen Portal performance. While praising the forum, he said that, “I want more people to use it (Citizen Portal). We will strengthen it further for it being the best method to register citizens’ complaints. As prime minister, it is also easy for me to know which minister or department is working well and which bureaucrat is performing badly.” The incumbent Prime Minister gave these remarks while addressing a ceremony marking the completion of two years of Citizen Portal. Prime Minister was also of the opinion that more people to use the forum for their empowerment as well as officers’ accountability. The Citizen Portal was launched on October 28, 2018. The prime minister was of the view that, the portal would also help the government know the issues in administration as well as the good and bad performing ministries and departments. He further underscored that it would also make it easier to enforce carrot and stick policy and decide the promotion, incentives and even removal of the bureaucrat from their services because the new civil service rules provided for termination of the corrupt or bad performing officers.
He remarked that the portal would change the public mindset besides their empowerment. While referring to his vision of Madinah State he said that since the beginning, the country could not do away with the elitist mindset, inherited from the British rulers. The highly empowered western people and service delivery of their governments, the Madinah State also gave the very concept of people’s empowerment and public service, he stated. Additionally he commented that, opposing to the colonial systems or monarchies, the democratic systems had given voice to the masses and made the governments answerable. The Citizen Portal is also a journey toward the very direction of making the people know their rights, he remarked. Imran Khan also maintained that, that highest number of complaints related to municipal issues, showed that local govt system was not working properly. Prime Minister was of the opinion that the metropolitans like Lahore and Karachi would have their own governments and revenue generation besides independent systems for municipal services. Prime Minister encouraged the people predominantly in Punjab and Sindh to report the complaints against police officials or assistant commissioners seeking bribe, assuring that the government would make them accountable.