Pakistan Day calls for upholding rich cultural heritage as unifying force

By Hina Kiyani

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Day is celebrated each year on March 23, marking the anniversary of the Lahore Resolution of 1940 when the All-India Muslim League demanded a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent.
As Pakistan celebrates its 77th Pakistan Day this year, the focus of analysts is on upholding the rich cultural heritage dating back thousands of years as a unifying force for national development. The Day is an occasion that makes us reflect upon the challenges being faced by the country.
Experts believe that reconnecting with cultural roots can provide valuable insights into addressing modern-day challenges. Cultural heritage can bring about a sense of pride, belonging, and identity among Pakistanis, which can be crucial for building a cohesive and resilient society. Creative Founder of Lok Virsa and Folklorist Uxi Mufti highlighted the significance of Pakistan’s cultural heritage in the country’s identity and development. He said that the demand for Pakistan was made on the ideology of Islam.
“This future pathway includes preserving languages, traditions, habitats, poems, and songs, all of which contribute to the diverse tapestry of Pakistani culture,” Mufti stated.
He, however, said that Pakistan’s cultural heritage has not been adequately preserved, as over the years, the 70 regional languages of Pakistan have been shrinking to 50. He cited the local tale of Sindh, ‘Dodo Chanesar’, as an example of a cultural artefact that was not documented and he made efforts to document such tales to preserve Pakistan’s diverse cultural heritage for future generations.
Pakistan’s linguistic diversity is a testament to the country’s cultural richness, with each language representing a unique history, tradition, and way of life. Pakistan’s linguistic heritage is a source of pride and identity for the country, representing a rich and diverse cultural heritage.
The government has put its efforts to address the issue of preserving the languages, with organizations working to document and promote the use of regional languages. For instance, the Punjab Institute of Language, Art, and Culture (PILAC) has established language centers throughout the province to promote the use and preservation of Punjabi, whereas the Sindhi Language Authority is working to develop resources and education programs to promote the use of Sindhi.
Meanwhile, folklore is an important part of the cultural heritage of any society which consists of the traditional stories, beliefs, customs, and practices that have been passed down from generation to generation through oral and written traditions.
Through folklore, people can learn about the traditions and customs of their ancestors and understand how these traditions have shaped their present.
Folklore also helps to create a shared cultural identity among members of a community, providing a sense of belonging and unity.
Today, the rich folklore and cultural traditions of Pakistan continue to play an important role in shaping the country’s identity and inspiring its people.
Cultural expert and writer Dr Adel Saeed Khan while talking to APP said that Pakistan’s true cultural richness lies in the diverse array of regional folklore, languages and traditions that make up the fabric of the country.
“All of these regional cultures come together to form a beautiful bouquet that represents the unique identity of the Pakistani nation”, adding that all of Pakistan’s cultures and traditions may appear to belong to the country as a whole when viewed from the outside – they are actually distinct regional cultures and languages when examined more closely. This diversity is something to be celebrated and not feared, as it represents the rich tapestry of Pakistan’s cultural heritage.
The significance of Pakistan Day lies in its reminder of the struggles and sacrifices made by the people of Pakistan in their quest for independence. It is a time for the people to come together to celebrate their shared history and identity as Pakistanis and renew their commitment to building a better future for themselves and future generations.