Pakistan defends raising IoK at SAARC video moot

By Our Diplomatic

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has rejected Indian allegations that it tried to politicise the humanitarian issue by raising Occupied Kashmir lockdown during the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc) countries recently held tele-conference to discuss common strategy to fight the novel coronavirus.
“The Indian Ministry of External Affairs attempts to twist the remarks made by Minister of State for Health Dr Zafar Mirza at the COVID-19 Video Conference of the Saarc member countries on 15 March 2020,” an official statement issued by the Foreign Office said on Friday. “It is a matter of concern that COVID-19 cases have been reported from IOK and in view of the health emergency, it is imperative that the lockeddown in the disputed territory must be lifted immediately,” Dr Mirza had said during the conference.
“In making this call, Pakistan has not been alone. Indeed, numerous voices from within IOJ&K, India, and the world are echoing the same message,” the FO said while terming New Delhi’s claim “misleading and mischievous”.
Pakistan’s participation in the tele-moot of Saarc member states on COVID-19 “was aimed at showing solidarity with Saarc members and reaffirming our abiding commitment to the Saarc process”.
The people of South Asia are well aware as to which country has been seeking to “politicise” the Saarc process and continues to obstruct its onward march, the communique added. “Pakistan believes that the collective endeavours of South Asian nations to fight common challenges should not be allowed to become victim of self-serving propaganda. As an illustration of Pakistan’s commitment, we have reaffirmed our readiness to host the Saarc Health Ministers’ Conference at the appropriate time.”
Foreign Office on Friday rejected Indian assertion that Pakistan tried to politicize the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) video conference on coronavirus pandemic, media reported. It is pertinent to mention here that Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Health Dr Zafar Mirza attended the conference on behalf of the country and demanded to lift lockdown in occupied Kashmir amid coronavirus spread.
Responding to India’s assertion, Pakistan Foreign Office (FO) Spokesman Aisha Farooqui said in a statement that Mirza had drawn attention to the health emergency in Kashmir in the context of the coronavirus and underscored the need for lifting of restrictions on communications and ensuring access to medical supplies. In making this call, Pakistan has not been alone as numerous voices from within Kashmir, India, and the world are echoing the same message, she said.
“The Indian contention of ?politicisation’ of humanitarian issue is both misleading and mischievous,” the statement said. The FO said Pakistan’s participation in the video conference aimed at showing solidarity with SAARC members and reaffirming Pakistan’s abiding commitment to the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) process.