Pakistan, Denmark to jointly work for climate resilience

By Hina Kiyani

ISLAMABAD: Ambassador of Denmark Jakob Linulf called on Coordinator to Prime Minister on Climate Change Romina Khurshid Alam Tuesday and discussed mutual matters of interest, particularly assistance to Pakistan for transition to green energy, building climate resilience, water conservation, biodiversity conservation and protection.
The two sides also discussed at length possible ongoing and future collaborative initiatives aimed at tackling climate change challenges facing both nations.
Chairperson of the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights, Senator Samina Mumtaz Zehri and Secretary Climate Change & Environmental Coordination Ministry Aisha Humera Ch also attended the meeting.
The PM’s climate aide highlighted the country’s commitment to the global climate action through support to various initiatives being taken globally for protection of oceans, biodiversity, water and energy resources.
She shared the present government’s vision and commitment for protecting its ocean waters from growing pollution, saying that preserving marine ecosystems and promoting sustainable practices along the country’s extensive coastline was its top priority. “Efforts are being taken with government, non-governmental organizations and corporate sector to achieve ‘clean ocean agenda’ of the present government,” she emphasized.
“Our oceans are vital to our economy and our environmental sustainability. The clean ocean agenda is a crucial step toward ensuring that our marine resources are preserved for future generations and efforts are being taken in support with various stakeholders to combat pollution and protect our oceans.”
Highlighting Pakistan’s efforts for protection and conservation of marine resources, particularly mangrove forests in its coral parts, Romina Khurshid told the Danish ambassador that the achievement of increasing mangrove cover by 300% along the coastline over the past months was a significant milestone, which had been globally lauded, which underscored the country’s commitment to environmental sustainability and climate resilience.
The meeting also focused on commitment of the both countries towards sustainability and the importance of international cooperation in combating various challenges of climate change, deforestation, droughts, water scarcity, air pollution, coastal erosion, energy crisis.
Ambassador Jakob Linulf also highlighted his country’s extensive experience in renewable energy and sustainable practices, emphasising the potential for knowledge sharing and technology transfer with Pakistan to achieve environmental sustainability and climate resilience goals.
Romina Khurshid Alam expressed her appreciation for Denmark’s leadership in climate action and underlined Pakistan’s urgent need for support in adapting to climate change impacts. Both leaders agreed on the necessity of enhancing bilateral cooperation, particularly in areas such as renewable energy, water management, and climate resilience strategies.
The two sides highlighted the unprecedented significance of the global climate action and the urgent need for joint efforts to advocate for equitable climate financing for developing nations, which adversely affected by the growing intensity and frequency of recurring climate change-caused disasters, particularly floods, heat waves, cyclones, shifting rainfall patterns.
“This meeting marks a pivotal step in strengthening the partnership between Denmark and Pakistan,” said Romina Khurshid Alam. “Together we both countries can create sustainable solutions that not only address our national challenges but also contribute to global climate goals.”
The meeting concluded with a mutual commitment to pursue further dialogue and collaborative projects – related to green energy transition, e-vehicle promotion, water conservation, climate and disaster risk management – that promote sustainable development and climate resilience in Pakistan.