Pakistan desires to boost ties with Germany, says PM

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Tuesday highlighting immense potential of boosting German investment, said that Pakistan desired to enhance its bilateral trade and investment portfolio with Germany.
The prime minister, talking to a delegation of a German NGO Global Bridges Berlin, said that his gov-ernment was resolved to strengthen Pak-German cooperation in the fields of industry, alternative en-ergy, mining, information technology, agriculture and others.
The prime minister, who most of the time spoke in German with the delegation, said that Pakistan al-ways greatly valued its relationship with Germany and considered it as its significant partner in Europe.
The delegation members appreciated the prime minster’s fluent conversation in their language and thanked him for the gesture.
Prime Minister Shehbaz told the delegation that despite meagre contribution to the carbon emission, Pakistan was among the countries most affected by the impacts of climate change.
He told the delegation that Pakistan wanted to benefit from Germany’s experiences in the field of al-ternative energy, agriculture, and food security.
Besides, he said the capacity building of Pakistan’s manpower was being done through quality skill training to make them employable abroad.
The delegation members, which also included German Ambassador in Pakistan Alfred Grannas and German businessmen and investors, expressed their keen interest in investing in Pakistan’s carbon credit market, as well as climate change and agriculture.
Federal ministers Jam Kamal Khan, Rana Tanveer Hussain and Attaullah Tarar, Minister of State Shaza Fatima Khawaja and relevant senior officers attended the meeting. –Agencies