Pakistan Embassy in Beijing observes Kashmir Solidarity Day

BEIJING: The Embassy of Pakistan in Beijing on Monday observed the Kashmir Solidarity Day with a re-newed commitment to support the struggle of Kashmiri brothers and sisters against India’s human rights violations in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).
Deputy Head of Mission Bilal Mehmood Chaudhary, Counsellor Ms Nasreen Fatima and Counsellor Muhammad Omar read out messages of President Dr Arif Alvi, Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar and Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani respectively to underscore Pakistan’s unwaver-ing commitment to the Kashmir cause, including the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people.

Pakistan’s Ambassador to China Khalil Hashmi, in his message, called upon the international human rights and humanitarian organizations to take cognizance of Indian crimes in the occupied Kashmir, en-suring accountability of the its occupation forces.
“The people of Jammu and Kashmir deserve a future free from oppression, and it is our moral, diplo-matic and legal responsibility to ensure that their voices are heard and their rights, as recognized by the UNSC resolutions, are protected,” he added. The Embassy also arranged a photo exhibition depicting Indian atrocities in the IIOJK.
Meanwhile, the Embassy also organized a panel discussion on the continued non-implementation of the United Nations Charter and international law for the promotion of world peace and security. The panelists stressed the centrality of multilateralism, with the United Nations at its core, for the res-olution of disputes and prevention of conflicts.
The event was attended by members of the diplomatic corps as well as eminent scholars and academ-ics representing the leading Chinese think tanks and universities.
The following is the complete speech of Pakistan’s Ambassador to China on the occasion.
Today, we are gathered to express our unflinching support and solidarity with our Kashmiri brothers and sisters who have, for more than 7 decades, bravely faced India’s brutal oppression. The Indian Government has imposed the largest military siege seen in the world history.
The reign of terror unleashed by 900,000 Indian Occupation Forces in Kashmir has continued relent-lessly through curfews and communication blackouts; incarceration of Kashmiri political leaders: illegal detention of thousands of Kashmiri youth: extra judicial killings; violent suppression of peaceful Kash-miri protests, including by using pellet guns that have blinded even young children and demolition of entire neighborhoods and villages as a form of ‘collective punishment’.
I salute the indomitable spirit of the Kashmiri people who seek their inalienable right to self-determination as enshrined in the United Nations Charter.
Indian continued occupation of Jammu & Kashmir along with its repression of the people poses a seri-ous threat to the peace and stability of the region and beyond, warranting urgent attention of the in-ternational community for its early, fair and just resolution in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions.
Indian government’s unilateral actions of 5 August 2019, changing the status of Jammu & Kashmir and recent decision of the Indian Supreme Court, endorsing the actions of 5thAugust cannot alter the fact that Jammu & Kashmir remains an internationally recognized disputed territory whose final status would be decided only through a plebiscite, held under the auspices of the United Nations.
In utter mockery of the UN Security Council resolutions, India has been issuing millions of fake domi-ciles with the aim of eventually transforming it Muslim majority State into a Hindu majority territory. These illegal actions typify the ongoing Indian settler colonialism project unleashed in Jammu & Kash-mir.
The international human rights and humanitarian organizations must take cognizance of Indian crimes in Kashmir, ensuring accountability of the Indian occupation forces.
With the world is undergoing monumental changes, and flames of conflict engulfing many countries and regions around us, the need for expeditiously resolving the issue of Jammu & Kashmir now is more important than it ever had been in the past. The people of Jammu and Kashmir deserve a future free from oppression, and it is our moral, diplomatic and legal responsibility to ensure that their voices are heard and their rights, as recognized by the UNSC resolutions, are protected. ‘’ –PR