Pakistan, Ethiopia discuss co-op in aviation sector

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Pakistan have discussed potential areas of cooperation in the aviation sector to further strengthen their bilateral relations.
The areas of cooperation were discussed during a meeting between Ethiopian Ambassador to Pakistan Jemal Beker Abdula and Federal Secretary for Aviation Saif Anjum, said a news release.
Both sides had a detailed discussion on the matters of mutual interests including bilateral cooperation for knowledge sharing and technology transfer in the aviation sector.
On the occasion, Ambassador Jemal Beker Abdula expressed his gratitude for the crucial support extended by the Government of Pakistan in the start of the Ethiopian Airlines’ operations in Karachi.
The Ambassador briefed the Secretary on the pivotal role being played by Ethiopian Airlines in the effective implementation of the “Look Africa and Engage Africa” policies of Pakistan that were aimed at strengthening government-to-government, people-to-people, and business-to-business relations between both Pakistan and African countries.
He also highlighted the growing popularity of Ethiopian Airlines among the people of Pakistan who have been fully appreciating the services offered by one of the largest airlines in the world.
On the other hand, Federal Secretary for Aviation Saif Anjum acknowledged the critical role being played by Ethiopian Airlines in bringing Africa closer to Pakistan and assured the ambassador of his institution support in advancing the bilateral cooperation in the Aviation Sector.