Pakistan is land of peace & hospitality, lauds President

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi on Sunday said that Pakistan is a land of peace, beauty and hospitable people where tourists from the world can appreciate such things once they visit this land of scenic and diverse beauty.
In connection with the World Tourism Day being observed across the globe on Sunday, the president in a twitter message said, “Pakistan is a land of peace, beauty & hospitable people. The Himalayas, Karakorum & Hindu Kush display their spectacular majestic beauty in Nanga Parbat & K2. Ancient ruins of Mohenjo-daro & Harappa, and Buddhist sites adorn our valleys & plains.” The president further said “There is so much that can be said, but the land and its people can be appreciated only by being here. You will fall in love once you experience us.”
Moreover, President Dr Arif Alvi has said that promotion of tourist activities in rural areas could help in increasing the volume of national economy and putting the country on the road to prosperity and development.
“The sector is not just a leading source of employment, particularly for different segments of rural society especially for youth and women but also provides opportunities for regional integration and socio-economic inclusion for the most remote areas,” he said in a message on ‘World Tourism Day’ being observed on September 27.
The president said that it was a matter of great pleasure that Pakistan was joining hands with the rest of the world to celebrate the Day. The day is being celebrated every year under the patronage of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), to foster awareness in the international community regarding the impact of tourism on society, culture and economic growth of a country.
This year, the theme is “Tourism and Rural Development”. The president said for a country like Pakistan where majority of the population was still living in rural areas, tourism could have a significant contribution in socio-economic development. The rural communities of Pakistan offered a unique natural and cultural heritage. They also extended hospitality to the visitors including foreigners and Pakistani nationals, he added.
“It is a matter of great satisfaction for me that the federal and provincial governments are taking collective measures for development of tourist sites and promotion of tourism and all these efforts will contribute in transforming the tourism industry to become a major sector of national economy in the near future,” he said.