Pakistan lauded for effectively implementing dev’t strategy

BEIJING: Since Prime Minister Imran Khan came to power, the incumbent government of Pakistan has paid special attention to poverty alleviation, and has been committed to continuously improving people’s livelihood.
Therefore, under the framework of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Pakistan was striving to enhance its self-reliance ability. To this end, Pakistan federal government was implementing its long-term, green, scientific and sustainable development strategy. These views were expressed by Cheng Xizhong, visiting professor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law and Senior Fellow of the Charhar Institute in his article.
Cheng Xizhong said that he has found at least three points that particularly deserve kudos in this regard.
Firstly, Pakistan was committed to the development and utilization of hydropower resources. On September 22, 2018, Karot Hydropower Station in Punjab Province, the first hydropower project of CPEC, successfully entered the comprehensive construction stage.
Then, construction of a number of hydropower projects such as Suki Kinari Hydropower Station in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and Karot Hydropower Station on River Jehlumr started successively.
While addressing the launching ceremony of a documentary drama titled “Pani Ke Pankh” to highlight the realigned policies of the government to ensure water security as part of sustainable development goals, Prime Minister Imran Khan stated that Pakistan has immense potential of 70,000 megawatts of hydropower resources.
Recently, Pakistan Federal Government launched work on Diamer Bhasha and Mohmand Dams to increase power production, conserve water, and thus uplift the agriculture sector.
“Moreover, the new dams will also supply clean energy which is crucial to fight climate change as Pakistan is among the nine most vulnerable countries in the world”, Prime Minister Imran Khan added.
Pakistan Federal Government has decided that it will phase out more than 10,000 megawatts of coal-fired power plants in the next 15 years. The total installed capacity of hydropower, solar power and wind power can definitely fill the power supply gap caused by the phase out of coal power. By 2030, Pakistan’s share of coal-fired power is expected to drop from the current 29% to 13%, while the share of renewable power is expected to grow exponentially.
Secondly, the incumbent government of Pakistan places special emphasis on self-reliance capacity building. Prime Minister Imran Khan said that he has repeatedly heard of the “soft image” of Pakistan. He said, If the “soft image” was established, the world would look down upon us. Therefore, Pakistanis have to promote the image of an independent nation standing on its own feet.
Thirdly, the current government of Pakistan has embarked upon the Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme, which offers affordable houses for under privileged segments of society. – Agencies