—– Pakistan Embassy in Beijing holds event to mark Black Day for Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir
—– Messages of President, Prime Minister as well as Foreign Minister of Pakistan read at the event
—– Atrocities and brutalities of Indian military and paramilitary forces
are innocent Kashmiris highlighted by speakers during ceremony
—– Chinese intellectuals also expressed China’s firm support to the Kashmir cause and Pakistan’s principled stand over dispute in accordance with UN resolution

From Mahnoor Makhdoom

BEIJING: Why China has constantly been supporting Pakistan’s principled stand on it’s dispute over Kashmir Valley with India and consistently moving the case of Kashmir at the United Nations, Pakistan embassy in Beijing on Saturday held an impressive ceremony at it’s premises which was thronged by a huge number of Pakistanis and Kashmiris living in China, international media representatives while Chinese intellectuals and thinkers also turned up in support of Pakistan’s internationally recognized stance on Kashmir issue.
At this occasion, a short documentary and a photographic exhibition was also organized at the Embassy premises to further highlight brutalities, atrocities and inhumane acts by Indian military, paramilitary Forces and India’s civil and military intelligence agencies on innocent residents of the disputed valley of Kashmir, illegally occupied by India and being run through draconian laws like AFSPA(Armed Forces Special Powers Act), an exercise that has resulted into martyrdom of thousands and thousands of innocent men,women and children during the last three-quarters of the century with India constantly defying the UN approved resolution of giving the right of self-determination to the people of IIOJK.
Meanwhile, a press note issued by Pakistan Embassy in Beijing says,
The Embassy of Pakistan organized an event today to observe the ‘Kashmir Black Day’ as 76 years ago, on 27 October 1947, India without any legal justification, forcibly took control of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
Since then, India continues to blatantly deny the people of Kashmir their right to self-determination as stipulated by the United Nations Security Council resolutions. During the event, the special messages from the President, the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister of Pakistan were read out underlining Pakistan’s continued political, moral and diplomatic commitment and support to the Kashmir cause. Mr. Qian Feng, a distinguished Chinese scholar and expert on South Asia also spoke on the occasion.
Speaking at the event, Deputy Head of Mission, Bilal Mahmood Choudhary said that Pakistan stood with Kashmiri brothers and sisters who had endured immense sufferings under the Indian illegal Occupation of Jammu & Kashmir over the last seven decades. He reiterated Pakistan’s unwavering support for the just cause of the Kashmiri people and called for an immediate end to the human rights violations in IIOJK. DHM also called upon the international community to play its rightful role for a peaceful and lasting resolution of the longstanding Jammu and Kashmir dispute.
The Embassy had also arranged a photo-exhibition on this occasion depicting Indian atrocities in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

27 October 2023