Pakistan needs to learn from China’s experience in governance: Kasuri

BEIJING: Pakistan is firmly committed to working with China to build an upgraded version of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and looks forward to learning from China’s experience in governance and development, as well as deepening bilateral cooperation in various fields.
These remarks were made by Chairman of Understanding China Forum and former foreign minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri in Beijing. “This is our second visit to China since 2019. We witnessed with our own eyes the latest achievements in China’s high-quality development, especially its remarkable progress in ecological conservation,” he said.
“Understanding China Forum is willing to continue to give full play to the role of think tanks in serving government decision-making and enhancing people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, so as to contribute to the development of Pakistan-China relations,” Kasuri said last week while leading a delegation from the Understanding China Forum, a Pakistan-based think tank, during a visit to China.
The visit was hosted by China Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy, Chinese media reported.
During the delegation’s visit to Beijing, Wang Yu, Vice President of the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs, met with the delegation.
The two sides exchanged views on China-Pakistan relations, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, and other issues of common interest.
The members met with Liu Jinsong, the Director-General of the Department of Asian Affairs of the Foreign Ministry.
Liu said that China always cherished the traditional friendship with Pakistan and was committed to accelerating the establishment of an even closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future in the new era.
China was ready to collaborate with Pakistan to balance development and security, and to enhance high-level interactions and friendly exchanges at all levels, he added.
“We should pay more attention to people-to-people exchanges, enhance mutual understanding through more face-to-face communication, especially encouraging the younger generations of the two countries to uphold the China-Pakistan friendship,” said Liu.
The Pakistani side reiterated its traditional support for China on international issues during the meeting, particularly concerning the South China Sea and the one-China principle.
Jiang Jiang, Vice President of Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, met with the delegation. The two sides exchanged views on enhancing friendship between the two peoples, deepening cooperation between localities and sister cities, and promoting positive narratives of China-Pakistan friendship.
The delegation witnessed and was impressed by China’s new achievements in artificial intelligence, digital economy, import and export trade. They stated that China’s pursuit of high-quality development, focusing on developing new quality productive forces, had and would continue to benefit Pakistan and other countries. –Agencies