Pakistan needs to upgrade chili drying technology

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani farmers need to use modern technology for drying chili to save it from aflatoxins and reclaim the country’s position as one of the top exporters of the commodity in the world, WealthPK reports.
Although Pakistan is one of the top 10 producers of chili in the world, yet its production is steadily declining. In recent years, demand for Pakistani chili in the global market has declined due to high level of aflatoxin and fungal in it besides bacterial activity.
Dr. Nowsherwan, Senior Scientific Officer at the National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), told WealthPK Pakistan was one of the top 10 producers and exporters of chili in the world but its export decreased over time.
“The amount of aflatoxin in Pakistan’s red chili is one of the major issues that has badly affected the country’s export of chili. “We used to export chili to about 66 countries. But sadly, we are losing this market as many consignments are sent back due to the high quantity of aflatoxins in chili. Its main cause is mismanagement after harvest of the crop,” he said.
Aflatoxins are natural mycotoxins produced by many species of aspergillus. Aspergillus is widespread and common in nature. It is most frequently discovered when crops are destroyed by stressful circumstances, such as drought, or when they are exposed to high humidity for an extended length of time.
Dr. Nowsherwan said that mostly farmers dry chili pepper on the open dusty grounds, causing fungal infections. Unclean storage bags, such as jute sacks, collect moisture that results in aspergillosis, leading to the loss of colour, shine and aroma.
“A large number of our export consignments are turned down because of the harmful effects they have on our health. Aflatoxicosis, an acute poisoning caused by high levels of aflatoxins, can be fatal as it can damage liver damage,” he said.
Dr. Nowsherwan said that there was a dire need to produce chili free of aflatoxins for export. He said that new technology should be provided for farmers to resolve the issue of the specific fungus harming their export.
“Use of dehydration plants and dryers are the key technologies in the field of agriculture. Immediate drying of chili minuses the chances of being affected by aflatoxin. Our farmers don’t have access to the latest technology like solar dryers or drying machines. Solar dryers are vital for eliminating aflatoxins. These dryers also dry chili faster, within just four to five hours as opposed to 10 and 12 or more days when done manually,” he said.
Dr. Nowshewan said that they had brought solar dryers from Korea to deal with the issue of aflatoxin. He said that one such unit was set up in Umerkot, Sindh. “We are anticipating another one in NARC Islamabad soon. To make it accessible for farmers, the technology will also be provided to the commercial sector. Despite the fact that this technology is pricey, the farmers will be able to use it on a credit basis if it is introduced in the country,” he added.
He told WealthPK that solar dryers would be more effective as it would enable the farmers to dry chili even if electricity remained suspended.