Pakistan reacts hard to French blasphemy

-MPs join hands to counter Islamophobia
-Both Senate, NA pass unanimous resolutions against blasphemous caricatures

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: The Senate and National Assembly of Pakistan passed unanimous resolutions on Monday, condemning blasphemous caricatures as well as French president Emmanuel Macron’s hateful comments against Islam.
The resolution also condemned discrimination against the hijab by France and called to put an end to rising Islamophobia around the world, particularly Europe. The House also called on the OIC countries to convene an urgent meeting on the matter.
During the National Assembly session, Federal Foreign Minister Shah Muhammad Qureshi presented a resolution against blasphemous sketches propagated in France. The resolution said that Islamophobia is on the rise in Europe and the publication of blasphemous caricatures with impunity is a clear example of it.
The resolution passed said the House condemns such caricatures and called on the OIC to declare March 15 a day against Islamophobia. Separate resolutions had been tabled by the opposition and the government in the National Assembly on the issue.
On behalf of the government Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi while Khawaja Muhammad Asif on behalf of the opposition presented their resolutions against the blasphemous caricatures.
Presenting the resolution in the Lower House of the Parliament, Khawaja Asif said that the joint opposition condemns the blasphemous caricatures published in the French magazine, adding that the feelings of 2 billion Muslims have been hurt by France.
He said the opposition’s resolution demands the government to recall its ambassador to France.
The PML-N leader went on to say that the joint opposition presented a separate resolution they do not trust the government, adding that the days of the government are numbered.
“We respect the Speaker of the House but he shouldn’t openly support the government,” he added.
He further said that the government couldn’t even legislate without selectors, adding that not much time left now, the story is being wrapped up.
He also accused the government of barging into the hotel room of PML-N vice president Maryam Nawaz and kidnapping the Sindh Inspector General of Police.
In retort, the Foreign Minister presented a resolution and rejected the blasphemy in France. In his speech, he said the feelings of the Muslim Ummah had been hurt.
He said that he wanted to present a resolution on behalf of the government but unfortunately, even on this occasion, the opposition is playing politics. The matter of blasphemous caricatures is beyond politics, he added.
Shah Mahmood Qureshi accused the opposition of toeing India’s line and shamed it for providing a platform to slogans of Balochistan’s independence. The government will not be intimidated by opposition rallies, he said.
Earlier in the Senate, the House unanimously passed a resolution condemning blasphemous caricatures in France.
The historic resolution was presented by the Leader of the House Dr. Shahzad Waseem. The text of the resolution stated that when such measures are government-sponsored, divisions are created between different religions.
It further stated that our love for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is part of our faith. No Muslim will tolerate disrespecting of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
The unanimous resolution said that such measures hurt the feelings of Muslims. The international community must play its part in preventing such actions.
During the session, Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjarani directed to hand over a copy of the resolution to the Foreign Office and the French Ambassador.
In his address on the occasion, Senator Siraj-ul-Haq and Ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami said that the actions of France hurt the feelings of 1.52 billion Muslims. It is important to hold an OIC meeting on this issue.
Senator Siraj-ul-Haq demanded from the government of Pakistan to boycott all French products and expel its ambassador from the country. Pakistan should take the lead in the OIC on this matter, he added.