Pakistan reopens Chaman border crossing

QUETTA: Pakistan reopened the friendship gate at the Afghan border in Chaman, resuming trade activities, Nato supplies and the transit trade between the two countries.
Pakistan had closed the border at Chaman and Torkham in connection with parliamentary elections in Afghanistan that had suspended trade activities in the border town Chaman and Spin Boldak.
The Afghan government had requested the Pakistani authorities to close the border at Chaman and Torkham.
Hundreds of trucks carrying Nato supplies and transit trade goods crossed into Afghanistan after reopening of the border.
Pakistan had closed the border soon after the Kandahar Police chief, the governor and intelligence chief of Kandahar and a cameraman were killed in the firing in the Governor House.
Following the Kandahar incident, security officials in Quetta issued a high alert.
A meeting attended by senior officials of police, Frontier Corps, Levies and other security institutions reviewed the situation. The provincial ministers, MPAs and other government functionaries were asked to limit their movement for a few days.
Patrolling by police, FC and other forces was increased in and around the provincial capital. People and vehicles were checked strictly at all entry and exit points.
Police, personnel of counter-terrorism department and FC were deployed at public places and markets to keep an eye on the movement of the suspected people.
The authorities had also increased deployment at the border after exchange of fire with Afghan forces in north of Chaman town last week.