Pakistan stands with Kashmiri brethren, says CM’s Advisor

LAHORE: Member Punjab Assembly from Faisalabad and the Advisor to Chief Minister Punjab, Malik Umer Farooq has said that Pakistan stands with the Kashmiris brethren in every hour of trial and this relation is not only based upon religion, civilization and humanity but also to blood and soul.
In his message on Kashmir Day, Malik Umer Farooq said that Pakistan will never leave Kashmiris alone. Prime Minister of Pakistan has categorically proved himself as the real Ambassador of Kashmir by portraying the Kashmir issue at all diplomatic, political and human right fronts.
He said the current freedom wave in Kashmir would not be subsided and when nations arose in such a way, nothing could stem their way towards freedom. He said that continuous incidents of human rights violations have perturbed those elements across the globe which had firm belief in the sanctity of humanity.
The Advisor to CM said the international conscience was in deep slumber over such gross human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir. He said that Pakistan could not keep itself aloof if such recurrent inhuman treatment meted out to the innocent Kashmiris,
Malik Umer Farooq said India had inflicted a chain of atrocities and aggression over three generations of Kashmiris but now it is a decisive moment for India to grab, whether to continue with its killing spree of the innocent people or to give them their due right which had promised to the UN.– Agencies