Pakistan strives for regional peace

Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa addressed the graduation ceremony of 144th GDP, 90th Engineering Course and 100th AD courses held at PAF Academy Asghar Khan Risalpur. Chief of Air Staff, PAF Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan and senior military officers were also present at the ceremony. The COAS said, Pakistan is a peace-loving country that had rendered great sacrifices for regional and global peace, it stood firmly committed to the ideal of mutual respect and peaceful co-existence. Army Chief said that It is time to extend hand of peace in all directions. COAS emphasized that Pakistan and India should also resolve the longstanding issue of Jammu and Kashmir in a dignified and peaceful manner as per the aspirations of people of Jammu and Kashmir and bring this human tragedy to its logical conclusion. General Bajwa underscored that how-ever, we will not allow anybody or any entity to misinterpret our desire for peace as a sign of weakness. Armed Forces of Pakistan are fully capable and prepared to thwart any threat. Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa has categorically displayed the Pakistan’s commitment to peace as well as its preparedness for war, if inflicted by any foreign aggressor. While illustrating Pakistan desire for peace, COAS has hinted on the flash point and bone of contention in the region, which is incomplete agenda of the division of Indo-Pakistan sub-continent in 1947. India created the problem of Kashmir through its nexus with Hindu Maharaja Hari Singh, the ruler of Kashmir at the time of partition. India remained successful to put the Kashmir disputes and UNO resolutions into a limbo, through its delaying tactics. Presently, Kashmir has turn into a nuclear flash point due to irresponsible and extremist policies of BJP regime in New Delhi. Rather than India sort to cool down the temperature and satisfied the poor masses in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), it had waged war against Pakistan through a network of proxies and hybrid warfare at international level. However, Indian nefarious designs had been exposed by a phenomenon of nature and through independent international organizations during recent past. The first case of Indian propaganda war against Pakistan was exposed by the EU Disinfo Lab few weeks back. EU-Disinfo Lab report titled “Indian Chronicles – Subsequent Investigation: Deep Dive into a 15 Year Operation Targeting the EU and UN to Serve Indian Interests” clearly exposed the Indian designs. As per EU-Disinfo Lab report India created hundreds of fake journalist identities, generated more than 750 media outlets and registered more than 550 fake domain names and Indian news agency, ANI, repackaged and amplified the malicious content produced in Brussels and Geneva.

The second Indian misadventure was exposed unintentionally by the Mumbai Police while investigating into Television Ratings Point (TRP) scam. According to Police, it came to know through the WhatsApp chat of Pro-Modi Republican TV anchor Arnab Goswami and former Head of India’s Broadcast Audience Research Council (BRAC) Mr. Partho Dasgupta, that Goswami was aware of the BalaKot attack and its reasons three days before the failed strike by the Indian Air Force on 26 Feb 2019. Goswami WhatsApp’s chat revealed that Modi government had staged a false flag operation in Pulwama to gain victory in Election by creating war hysteria against Pakistan in the public.

Pakistan Air Force gave befitting response to Indian Air Force through “Operation Swift Retort” on a day after Indian’s so-called surgical strikes at Balakot. Pakistan shoot down two IAF fighter jets and captured an Indian Pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman during operation Swift Retort.

The COAS rightly highlighted Pakistan capabilities to Pakistan’s eternal enemy and expressed desire for peace full co-existence and dignified engagement between the two countries to resolve the longstanding dispute of Kashmir to avoid any future armed conflict in the region. Today, both Pakistan and India are nuclear powers, India neither occupied Jammu and Kashmir by force for long time nor defeat Pakistan in any future conflict. The best available option for India is to resort to negotiating table with sincere notion to resolve the issue and honour the desire of the people of IIOJK.