‘Pakistan to apprise int’l community about India’s evil designs of G-20’

By Anzal Amin

ISLAMABAD: Advisor to the Prime Minister on Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan, Qamar Zaman Kaira on Tuesday said that Pakistan was committed to apprise the international community about India’s reprehensible and nefarious designs of holding G-20 conference scheduled to be held in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Addressing a press conference flanked with Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leaders from Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), he said the Pakistani leadership would put a strapping response and narrative before the international community regarding conducting G-20 conference by India. Kaira said that Pakistan had always raised the voice for the oppressed Kashmiri people by supporting them politically, morally and diplomatically to their indigenous movement and also highlighted the Indian tyranny and atrocities at all available forums.

“Pakistan has always stand with the people of Kashmir in this difficult time and never ever miss a chance to elevate the Kashmir cause,” the adviser added.

He said the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) had already promised to give basic right to self-determination to Kashmiri people and India, despite of malicious and vicious activities, could not muzzle their voice through power and force.

“Modi-government has no stone unturned to oppress the fundamental rights of the Kashmir people, but the unwavering determination of the native Kashmiri people always slap the vested interest of the BJP government,” he maintained.
Furthermore, he added that PPP Chairman, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari had great pain for the Kashmiri people. Therefore, he would visit Azad Jammu and Kashmir on May 21, 22, 23 in a bid to record a protest in response to G-20 conference. He urged the other political parties to participate in the protest against the G-20 conference to highlight the Kashmir cause.

Meanwhile, Mushaal Hussein Mullick has urged G-20 countries to boycott its upcoming event being hosted by the Fascist Narendra Modi government in IIOJK, advising that they should utilize their power and influence to settle the decades-long Kashmir dispute.

Mushaal, who is the wife of incarcerated senior Hurriyat leader Yasin Malik, on Monday said that Kashmirs rejected and boycotted such dramas of India so G-20 countries should also boycott the upcoming conference to give a clear message to Modi that they can’t stand with the oppressor, said a press release issued here on Tuesday.

She said that occupied Kashmir turned into a graveyard for Muslims due to Modi’s Muslim genocide policies. Mushaal also said that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s bloodshed has been revealed to everyone. The mass graves in Occupied Kashmir were identified by Indian historian Angana Chatterjee in 2012, adding that Angana Chatterjee identified 2,700 mass graves in Bandipora, Baramulla and Kotura districts of Occupied Kashmir.

In this regard, according to the report of Kashmir Human Rights Watch, 2943 bodies have been recovered from mass graves in 55 villages of Occupied Kashmir. Among these mass graves in Occupied Kashmir, 80% of the graves have not been identified, she added.

Mushaal also said that Kashmir Human Rights Watch had also traced 2,730 bodies in mass graves in 4 districts. After which, in 2011, the international organization Human Rights Watch demanded a commission of inquiry from the Indian government.

According to Human Rights Watch, instead of responding, the Indian government is running away from investigating the allegations. In this regard, in July 2008, the European Parliament also passed a resolution on mass graves in Kashmir. The resolution called for India to investigate the mass graves and conduct an impartial investigation.

It should also be kept in mind that according to the report released by the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons, 800 Kashmiris are still missing.