Pakistan, Turkey defense ties

PAKISTAN Turkey High Level Military Dialogue Group (HLMDG) concluded its 15th round of two-day consultation meeting yesterday in Ankara, Turkey. Both counties decided to work together to enhance defense cooperation in all avenues including military training, education, Defense Industry cooperation, joint production, procurement, Special focus on security and Counter Terrorism. Both Countries shared their perspectives on prevailing regional environment including the Middle East, South Asia and Afghanistan. Pakistan and Turkey enjoy very cordial and friendly bilateral relations ever since the creation of Pakistan. Pakistan-Turkey High Level Strategic Cooperation Council is another forum of bilateral cooperation. Pakistan and Turkey are also working at another platform along with Azerbaijan for developing a tri-lateral partnership to advance stability, Security and prosperity in the region. Pakistan, Turkey and Iran are also linked with each other through Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO). ECO is steadily working on joint ventures of trade, transportation, culture and education fields.
Turkey is the Pakistan’s Second biggest arms supplier after China. Pakistan constructed a 17,000 ton fleet tanker at Karachi Shipyard in collaboration with a Turkish defense company STM in 2018. Turkey helped Pakistan in the maintenance of its F-16 fleet and up gradation of Submarines. Pakistan is also purchasing 4 Corvettes ship for Pakistan Navy and 34 T-37 trainer aircraft from Turkey, whereas China agreed to procure Super Mushshak MFI-17 trainer aircraft from Pakistan. Despite, Strong political, cultural and religious bonds, the bilateral trade between Pakistan Turkey is only about $ 800- $ 900 million annually. Pakistan and Turkey set the goal to increase the bilateral trade up to $ 10 billion by the year 2022, which seems to be very ambitious. Presently, more than 100 Turkish companies are working in Pakistan in the fields of Construction, energy, transportation and IT. Over the years, Turkey has changed its foreign policy approach and creating a balance in its relations with West including European Union and United States vis-a vis its relations with East including China, Russia, Pakistan and other countries of Asia. The love and respect of the Muslims of Indo- Subcontinent for Turkey and its Khalifat was quite apparent by the sacrifices rendered by the Muslim of this region during Khalifat Movement before partition of Indo-Subcontinent.