Pakistan urges World powers to end Israeli brutalities in Palestine

UNITED NATIONS: Pakistan has urged the UN Security Council to “fully and forcefully” implement its resolutions on the Middle East conflict that give the right of self-determination to the Palestinian people.
Speaking in the 15-member Council, Ambassador Munir Akram also strongly condemned the recent large-scale Israeli military operations in Jenin in occupied Palestinian West Bank, and called for holding Israel accountable for its “grave human rights violations and crimes in occupied Palestine.”
“Unfortunately,” the Pakistani envoy said, “the killing of children, women and men continues in occupied Palestine with complete impunity.”
He added, “The rule of law can be upheld only if it is applied universally and consistently, without exceptions or double standards.”
Ambassador Akram regretted that the Security Council has not been able to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security in occupied Palestine.
“Given the erga-omnes character of the right of self-determination,” the Pakistani envoy said it is also incumbent on all States to ensure that any impediment to the exercise of the right to self-determination by the Palestinian people is immediately terminated.
He said that on 5 July, three Special Rapporteurs of the United Nations Human Rights Council stated that Israeli attacks against the Jenin refugee camp may constitute a war crime and had no justification under international law.
The impunity that Israel has enjoyed for its acts of violence over decades only fuels and intensifies the recurring cycle of violence.
The Special Rapporteurs also called for Israel to be held accountable under international law.
The Pakistani envoy said the continuing expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories and the expulsion and evictions of Palestinians from their properties are illegal and grave violations of Council resolutions and international law, including humanitarian law. –Agencies