Pakistan values bilateral ties with Germany, says Shahzad

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Leader of the Opposition in Senate and Head of Diplomatic Affairs of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Senator Dr. Shahzad Waseem has said that Pakistan highly values its multifaceted relations with Pakistan, based on mutual cooperation. He said through promoting cooperation in parliamentary affairs, the mutual ties would be strengthened further.
These views were expressed by the Opposition Leader while talking to the German ambassador in Pakistan Bernhard Schlagheck who called on him here on Monday.
During the meeting, issues relating bilateral interests came under in details. Shahzad Waseem said that the PTI during its tenure followed the foreign policy was in best national interest and widely supported by the masses.
PTI wanted bilateral relations with international community based on parity, peace, independency and two-sided interests, he added.
The Opposition Leader in Senate said that the overseas Pakistanis are a precious asset of the country who add a large to country’s foreign reserves via remittances and play key role in lessening the economic miseries of the country.
He said that during Imran Khan’s le PTI government, special heed was paid to strengthen bilateral ties and cooperation with Germany.
Speaking on the occasion, German Envoy German Bernhard Schlagheck said that his country was keen to promote relations and cooperation with Pakistan in diverse polls.
The ambassador expressed his hope that due to commitment of the two countries, mutual cooperation with Pakistan will reach new heights.