Pakistan wishes for economic stability in Afghanistan

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on National Security Moeed Yusuf has said that Pakistan wants to see economic stability in Afghanistan.
After the conclusion of Track II dialogue between Pakistan and Afghanistan, Moeed Yusuf said that both countries should devise a comprehensive strategy for enhancing economic ties. He added that the economic prosperity of both countries was linked with each other. He added that Pakistan is focusing on economic security and peace in Afghanistan is essential for building strong contacts with Central Asian states. The SAPM on National Security said that Pakistan has taken effective steps to promote trade, visa facilities and economic ties besides opening border markets in Kurram and Chitral. The members of Afghan delegation also praised the efforts of the Pakistani government for establishing peace in Afghanistan. They assured that more progress will be made in bilateral trade ties in the future.
In a Twitter message, Moeed Yusuf said, “It was a pleasure to meet a senior Afghan delegation visiting Islamabad for a Track II dialogue. Pakistan remains fully committed to a peaceful and prosperous future alongside our Afghan brothers and sisters.”
Agencies add: Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on National Security Division and Strategic Policy Planning Dr. Moeed Yusuf on Wednesday said Pakistan and Afghanistan should have integrated economies to gain maximum benefits for mutual peace and prosperity. The SAPM chaired a session of Pakistan-Afghanistan Track-II dialogue where the peace process in Afghanistan was discussed, said a press release. An Afghan delegation arrived in the federal capital amidst signs of improving relations between the two countries. Dr Moeed said Pakistan and Afghanistan were neighboring countries with shared interests. “Pakistan has an unwavering belief that economic prosperity for both nations is interlinked.” He affirmed Pakistan’s support for an economically thriving Afghanistan and reiterated Prime Minister Imran Khan’s belief that there was no military solution to the conflict in Afghanistan.