Pakistani, Chinese staff contribute to Thar’s uplift

From Zeeshan Mirza

KARACHI: “By October, the mining volume of Thar II Coal Mine Project has reached 117 million tons, and production value has reached 5.3 billion Rs,” introduced by Song Jiayu and Feng Hongchao, spokesmen of Thar Project. They added in an exclusive interview, the annual coal output of Thar project is stable at 3.8 million tons which provides high-quality coal for pithead thermal power stations.
Feng recalled, at the beginning of the construction of Thar project, Pakistan relied heavily on the import of crude oil, diesel oil and natural gas for energy supply, and the utilization of coal was limited. It resulted in a serious imbalance of energy supply in Pakistan and restricted the development of the domestic economy. Therefore, the Pakistani government has attached great importance to Thar project, aiming at improving the utilization of coal and optimizing the energy structure.
“Both Pakistani and Chinese personnel of Thar project stick to our posts day and night, not only ensuring the normal construction of the project, but also completing the annual goals of coal production with high quality and quantity, so as to ensure the coal providing for thermal power stations. The project has effectively alleviated the shortage of local power resources and optimized the energy distribution in Pakistan,” said Song.