Pakistan’s efforts on disarmament hailed at UNGA

Foreign Desk Report

NEW YORK: Three Pakistani draft resolutions focusing on regional disarmament were adopted with overwhelming support by the UN General Assembly’s main committee on Tuesday that diplomats here said could lead to the strengthening of international peace and security.
The resolutions dealt with regional disarmament, conventional arms control at regional and sub-regional levels as well as Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) in the regional and sub-regional context.
The draft on conventional arms, which underscores the significance of pursuing arms control in regional and subregional contexts, was adopted by a strong support of 159 votes, with only India casting a negative vote.
The proposals on regional disarmament and confidence-building measures, which encourage efforts for easing regional tensions and to advance disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation measures at the regional and subregional levels, were adopted by the Committee by consensus.
The approval of the resolutions by the 193-member Assembly’s Disarmament Committee was as an acknowledgement of Pakistan’s commitment to promote the objectives of regional and global disarmament as well as strengthening international peace and security, a Pakistani mission press release said.