‘Pakistan’s policy on IoK yields positive results’

DM Monitoring

BEIJING: Pakistan’s diplomatic efforts on the Kashmir issue have achieved remarkable results and the entire international community including the United Nations has realized that if the Kashmir issue is not resolved fairly, it will seriously affect the regional stability and world peace.
These views were expressed by Cheng Xizhong, visiting professor at Southwest University of Political Science and former Defense Attache in South Asian countries in an article issued here on Sunday.
He pointed out that on January 28, Secretary General of the United Nations Antnio Guterres called on both India and Pakistan to “come together and seriously discuss their problems” stemming from the unresolved Kashmir dispute, saying his good offices are always available for mediation.
Antnio Guterres emphasized that there is no “military solution” to the decades-old conflict.
“Any military confrontation between the two would be a disaster for both countries and for the whole world,” he warned.
On the same day, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations Munir Akram said that “the process of de-colonization will be incomplete until the people of Jammu and Kashmir are enabled to exercise their right to self-determination through an UN-supervised plebiscite as called for in several resolutions of the Security Council.”
Cheng Xizhong observed that with the unremitting efforts of the government and people of Pakistan over the years, the whole international community, including the United Nations, has been paying more and more attention to the Kashmir issue, and has realized that if the Kashmir issue is not resolved fairly and reasonably, it will seriously affect regional stability and world peace.
At the same time, the entire international community, including the United Nations, has got a clearer understanding of India’s brutal suppression of the just struggle of the Kashmiri people.
Now the whole world is aware of the crimes committed by India: massive violations of human rights with hundreds of Kashmiri political leaders in jail, thousands of young people disappeared, a hundred thousand Kashmiris martyred and 20,000 women raped in Kashmir, and is aware of India’s intention to create regional unrest through the Kashmir issue.
Therefore, Pakistan’s diplomatic efforts on the Kashmir issue have achieved remarkable results, he added.