Pakistan’s sovereignty is supreme

President Asif Ali Zardari has emphatically stated that Pakistan will not compromise its sovereignty. Addressing the Pakistan Day Military Parade in the national capital, the President categorically told the world that Pakistan is a peace-loving and responsible nuclear state that seeks good and fraternal relations with all its neighbors. However, Pakistan will not tolerate any efforts by terrorists, any group, or a nation to destabilize our country. The Pakistani nation and its armed forces are always ready and capable of defending the country and responding to any aggression in a befitting manner.
The political and geostrategic dynamics in the broader South Asia region along with the internal Security dynamics in the country have significantly evolved over the past almost two years. There has been a sharp uptick in cross-border terrorism from the western border with Afghanistan, where the banned terrorist groups including the Tahreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the Islamic State Khorasan (IS-K) are currently camped and attacking Pakistani troops and military installations in the country. Similar situations exist on the Pak-Iran border, wherein, Baloch insurgent groups camped on Iranian soil frequently illegally cross the border to perpetrate terrorism in the country. Historically, the proscribed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has become a major irritant in Islamabad’s relations with the Taliban regime in Kabul as the militant group remained one of the major actors of violence in Pakistan after the Taliban assumed power in Afghanistan. Amid such heightened national and transnational terrorism threats to the country, Pakistan externally faces new security threats from impending perilous outcomes in Afghanistan, shifting global power dynamics, growing Indo-US Strategic Partnership, advancing technology and rising cyber threats pose significant challenges to the country which is also embattled with serious economic impediments at the moment.
On the other hand, Pakistan downgraded its diplomatic ties and severe trade and economic relations with India after later revoked the Article 370 and Section 35A of the Constitution of India scraping special status of the Jammu and Kashmir valley which was primarily framed by the Indian government inline with the UN Security Council resolution the Kashmir dispute. Despite both countries possessing nuclear weapons, the probability of crises, conflicts, and the risk of a full flugded war between India and Pakistan always remains high. India aims for escalation dominance through advanced conventional and modernized nuclear forces causes serious challenges for Pakistan.
Despite fiscal constraints and a simmering terrorism challenge at home, Pakistan strives hard to create balance in asymmetrical power equation and maintains effective nuclear deterrence against its eternal enemy so far. Pakistan has displayed utmost resilience in the face of ruthless terrorism against its troops and innocent citizens whilst it did not seek escalation with India in the aftermath of post August 5, 2019 scenario. In fact, Pakistan’s unnecessary linenency in dealing with the issues and other states turned the Pakistani soil a haven for transnational criminals, illegal migrants and unlawful enterprises. The Pakistani leadership has now decided in principle to protect national sovereignty and defeat the menace of terrorism at all cost. Pakistan’s surgical strikes against Baloch insurgents inside Iran and the recent intelligence based operation against the TTP on Afghan soil is a clear message to terrorist outfits and the neighboring states that Pakistan will not compromise its sovereignty anymore. The terrorist and their sponsors will be dealt with the same coin and the country will use its full might and all available resources to protect its people, secure its interests and achieve its strategic objectives in the contemporary world. This is a right decision that will bring peace and prosperity to the country very soon.