Pakistan’s stance on Israeli aggression

The National Assembly of Pakistan passed a resolution unanimously strongly condemned the Israeli aggression against innocent Palestinian people during last week. The resolution called upon the UN Security Council to take necessary action under Chapter-VII of the UN Charter to bring an end the ongoing crimes against humanity being committed against the unarmed Palestinians. The resolution was moved by Foreign Affairs Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on behalf of all parties in the House. The House also called upon the UN to ensure Israel’s compliance with resolutions of UN Security Council, UN General Assembly, and the Human Rights Council, reiterating the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people. The house called upon the UN to ensure immediate halt to Israeli aggression which has violated the sanctity of Al Aqsa Mosque, a holy site for more than 1.5 billion Muslims, and respect their freedom to worship and allow unfettered access to Muslims to repair any damage done to the religious holy site by Israeli criminal actions. The House expressed deep concern over the increasing violence and brutality committed against the Palestinian people by the fascist Israeli regime; strongly condemned the systematic and brutal marginalization, segregation and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people and strongly denounced the attacks by the apartheid Israeli regime on worshippers in al Aqsa mosque during Ramazan and attempts to stop the Azaan. The brutal use of force and inhumane actions of Israeli Forces had attracted the worldwide condemnation and the public representatives of Pakistan had joined their voice with Muslim Ummah and international community in support of Palestinian people. The National Assembly is the supreme forum of Pakistan and it rightly adopted the resolution and strongly condemned the Israeli atrocities in Gaza and West Bank. Presently, Muslim Ummah is displaying more tolerance and patience and extending more than what Jews deserve. The 95 per cent population of Israeli Jews had been brought from Europe, North America, and other parts of the world to Palestine, have no right over Palestinian land and they all are occupiers. The Palestinian people and most of the Muslims Countries support the two states solution to the Palestinian issue. Government of Pakistan is actively working on the issue in coordination with other Muslim Countries, OIC and International Community to halt Israeli aggression against unarmed Palestinians. However, the people of Pakistan and political leadership is also endeavoring to minimize the sufferings of Palestinian brothers and sisters during this hard time.
Yesterday, Foreign Minister SM Qureshi talked to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and apprised him of Pakistani people deep concern and anguish on the worsening humanitarian situation in the Israeli occupied Palestinian territories and underscored the importance of US role in ensuring necessary steps to help address the situation and restore peace.

Today, the whole world is divided into two groups on the issue of Palestine. The countries supporting Israel are condemning Hamas rocket attacks and term Israeli aggression as a right to self defence whereas Muslim and non-aligned countries accuse Israel for igniting violence and use of brutal force against unarmed Palestinians. This is the reason that UNO remained failed to deescalate the situation and halt Israeli indiscriminate use of force against unarmed Palestinians. It is the true version of “might is right”. There is a need that non-aligned nations must come forward and play their role in ending this humanitarian crisis.