PAL organizes online Farkhi Literary Reference

Staff Report

Islamabad: Asif Farrukhi was writer, editor and organizer of literary festivals, but he is basically a creative writer. These views were expressed by Iftikhar Arif while presiding over the online Dr. Asif Farkhi Literary Reference organized by the Pakistan Academy of Letters (PAL).
Dr. Yousuf khushk, Chairman Pakistan Academy of Letters said in introductory note that Dr. Asif Farrukhi services for Pakistani literature can never be forgotten and his death is a irreparable loss to Pakistani literature. Asif Farrukhi has rendered valuable services in fiction, criticism, research, translation and column writing in Pakistani Urdu and English literature. He has translated, edited and compiled many books. He also wrote for newspapers. Dr. Yousuf Khushk further said that In addition to writing “Intezar Hussain: Saksiyat o Fun” for the PAL Series Makers of Pakistani literature, he also edited the Academy’s English magazine “Pakistani Literature”.
In the condolence reference, Masood Ashar, Dr. Saadat Saeed, Yasmeen Hameed, Amina Syed, Anwar Sen Rai, Azra Abbas, Hameed Shahid, Dr. Tanveer Anjum, Dr. Nasir Abbas Nayyar, Haris Khaliq and Dr. Asif Farkhi’s daughter Ghazal Asif Farkhi express their views on Dr. Asif. Farrukh’s personality and literary work. Dr. Sadia Tahir moderated the Mushaira. Coordination and technical assistance was managed by Dr. Sher Ali.
Iftikhar Arif said that Allah has given Asif Farrukhi a lot of skills and abilities which he used. His personality was prominent as a fiction writer, editor, teacher and translator. He had a comprehensive personality. He had so many dimensions that by combining these dimensions he became one personality, we can’t ignore any of them but his first priority was literature. He launched the magazine “Dunyazad” and ran it successfully. He introduced new and writers of different ideologies. He introduced in Pakistan and keeps in touch with those who are working for Urdu from all over the world. If a book was translated in the world, he would somehow or other introduced it here. Asif Farkhi played a very important role in introducing Sindhi literature and writers in Urdu and Urdu writers and literature in Sindhi. Asif Farrukhi introduced genuine writers at the festival he started. He wrote great fiction, made excellent translations and did a great job of introducing Pakistani literature to the world. The work is done on Intezar Hussain, Hassan Manzar, Asad Mohammad Khan, Mohammad Khalid Akhtar in the field of criticism is significant. He was in touch with the world writers for the preparation of his magazine on the corona virus and was collecting writings. Through the festivals, Asif played an important role in bringing Urdu and Pakistani languages closer together and introducing Pakistani writers internationally. His death caused a great loss to literature.
Dr. Asif Farkhi’s daughter Ghazal Asif Farkhi said that this effort of the PAL and the views of the participants is healing her grief. Dr. Asif Farkhi was a very kind and unique father.
Masood Asher said that Dr. Asif Farrukhi was the most knowledgeable and literature dedicated among contemporary writers and critics.
Dr. Saadat Saeed said that Dr. Asif Farrukhi was brought up in a mystical environment. This is the reason behind his thought which groomed his personality with mystic and revelations. Azra Abbas talked about the emotional appeal in Dr. Farrukhi’s short stories saying that she couldn’t hold her tears when she first read him in 1984.
Anwar Sun Rai said that Dr. Farkhi was a very strong and passionate writer. He was a very good critic and ‘up-to-date’ writer and was well aware of the literature created in Sindhi, Balochi and Pashto languages besides the world literature. He was an extraordinary figure in literature.
Yasmeen Hameed said Dr. Asif Farkhi’s motivation came to the fore as to how fast he is able to bring literary projects to completion. She as co-editor with Dr. Asif Furkhi, edited an issue of PAL’s magazine “Pakistani Literature”..
Amina Syed said that Dr. Asif Farkhi wanted the writers and literature in Pakistan to be promoted, somehow the writers get platform and fame and they meet their readers. He tried to bring in emerging writers. He wants to invite every writer to the festival.
Harris Khaliq said that in addition to writing columns in English newspapers, he also did interview writers. His book based on interviews of various personalities has been published.