Palestine- Kashmir, one coin two sides

The honorable President of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Mr. Volkan Bozkir recently paid an official visit to Pakistan on the invitation of Foreign Minister SM Qureshi. During joint press conference with President UNGA Mr. Volkan Bozkir, Foreign Minister SM Qureshi said that Pakistan hopes that President UNGA and UNO would initiate Peace Process for the permanent Solution of Palestine Dispute. Qureshi paid rich tribute to Mr. Volkan Bozkir for convening emergency meeting of UNGA on the issue of Palestine in the backdrop of continuous failures of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in reaching out consensus over the Palestinian crisis. SM Qureshi further described the deep similarity between the Palestinian issue and Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan. Qureshi noted that the both territories are on the agenda of UNSC over the last seven decades, both are facing threat of demographic changes, the residents of both territories are victims of state terrorism and human rights violations, their occupiers are indiscriminately targeting schools, residential areas, and hospitals to curb growing demand for freedom. Both Kashmiris and Palestinians are continuously calling UNO to honor its resolutions and help them get their right of freedom. While commenting on Kashmir issue Mr. Bozkir was of the view that Pakistan must work to earn similar support from the member countries at UNO before heading to use the world forum for Kashmir dispute so its efforts could prove to be fruitful. In fact, President UNGA rightly emphasized Pakistan for more efforts to fight its battle for Kashmir at UNO because Pakistan is a victim of the dispute. However, it also pertinent to ask from the elders of UNO that are passing of resolutions on the burning disputes are sufficient action on the part of world forum. Seven decades had gone and the children born after emergence of the dispute have reached to old age. The UNO itself has forgotten its resolutions passed on Kashmir issue during late 1940s. Whereas Kashmiris still remember those resolutions because those resolutions enshrine hope of life in depressed Kashmiri men and women. Therefore, it is requested to honorable President UNGA that instead of pushing Pakistan and Kashmiris for do more, he must press his collegues to honor the resolutions passed by their predecessors and help confer freedom upon Kashmiris waiting over last seven decades.