Pandemic & int’l conspiracies

US intelligence on the supposed origin of the coronavirus pandemic was not reliable, a member of the special WHO mission to China concluded after spending few days probing into the outbreak of the virus more than a year ago. The first mission of the WHO ended up without finding the source of the virus, but the investigating team had to walk a diplomatic tightrope during the process of investigation because it had caught between the two rivals as the US urging a “robust” probe and China warning against politicizing the issue. The WHO team shared their preliminary findings on the origin of the coronavirus outbreak, while suggesting that it may take years to sum up the final answer to the query. Mr. Peter Daszak, a British born Zoologist and President of a US-based non-profit Eco Health Alliance is the head of the WHO mission comprising experts and Scientists from ten countries of the world. WHO was planning to set this investigative probe into the matter since May 2019, however, the case remained stall due to certain reasons. The coronavirus outbreak attracted international attention due to conspiracies theories attached to its place and reason of origin. The first case of Coronavirus was reported in Wuhan city of China and in days, the pandemic broke out like a wildfire all around in other Chinese cities and provinces. The volume and speed of this infectious pandemic created a huge fear among the public and the governments, and all seems to be helpless to stop its blowout. All sudden, Chinese government was bound to shut down all official, business and personal activities of the public to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the country and the world. Chinese government perceived it as cons piracy against the rise of China by its adversaries, it accused United States to transport the virus through its soldiers visited China for a joint training drill in the region. Mostly, all of the countries of the world halted in and out bound travel from China to prevent Coronavirus spread into their state, however, US acted more carelessly or over confidently and transported its citizens back to the United States amid outbreak of virus in China. It was a matter of weeks, that virus blowout in the United States and tightened its grip in many US states. At time President Trump accused China for fuming virus into the United States, which was categorically denied the Chinese government. United States named the Wuhan laboratories for breakout of the virus and claimed to have credible intelligence regarding the fact, that the virus broke out from Wuhan laboratories. China clarified its end, however, the discussions remained continue to explore the answer to the query of virus outbreak.
After a year, WHO team had reached in Wuhan and spend sufficient time to probe the matter.

According to reports, the WHO team met with the first clinical staff who took in the first patients with COVID, asked questions about the case, visited Huanan Seafood Market that was linked to early case collections, met with vendors and market managers and toured the market with those who did the original environmental swab in the market. The team also visited the Wuhan institute, generally link with virus outbreak at international level. The team examined data and consulted the Chinese experts. The team admitted full cooperation and access to each site and individuals requested by the team, made available by the Chinese government.

After conclusion of first visit, WHO team noted that US Intelligence could not prove its worth. Most likely it was based on politically motived assumptions or intentionally fabricated inputs to achieve International agenda as it was done in the case of Iraq back in 2003. After, denial of US approach, WHO team is currently considering Chinese theory regarding virus outbreak that it may come China through cold chain, imported frozen food packaging from other country. The WHO team’s investigations are continuing and it will take time to reach the exact reason of the virus, the world should wait for that time and must not belief in conspiracy theories.