PBS hosts sensitization workshop

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) hosted on Monday a sensitization workshop on 7th Digital Population and Housing Census, 2022, in Peshawar to build confidence of Chief Secretaries, relevant secretaries, Divisional Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners of KPK on tools, techniques for smooth execution of the upcoming census.
Chief Secretary, KPK was chief guest on the occasion. The workshop was attended by Secretary Local Government, Special Secretary Elementary Education, Add Secretary Establishment department, Additional Secretary Home, Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners and Commissioner from the province.
Chief Statistician PBS, Dr. Naeem uz Zafar, elaborated importance of census with the role of provinces in its success. He appraised the participants that the provinces are important stake holders having key role of planning, training, implementation, and monitoring in the census, whereas, PBS will coordinate and facilitate for smooth and transparent conduct of census.
Member (Support Services/ Resource Management) PBS, Muhammad Sarwar Gondal gave a detailed presentation on forthcoming census, especially in terms of digital conduct of census. He informed the audience about the role of different tiers of provincial administration at various stages of census.
He emphasized that digital census requires provision of computer literate trainers and enumerators by provincial government. During Question answer session, officials from PBS responded to queries and comments by participants. Questions were raised on implementation of De-Jure concept, conduct of census before ten years, effects of subjective interpretation by enumerators, and effect of language on responses.

By further elaborating the role of training, communication, and involvement of district administration, PBS responded to all questions in detail and participants showed satisfaction.

The participants assured their full cooperation during all phases of census. Jabbar Shah, Commissioner Mardan, appreciated the presentation and hoped that the upcoming census will be planned and executed in a way that it will be endorsed and absorbed by all target audiences and stakeholders.

Zaheer ul Islam, Secretary local government, on behalf of KPK functionaries, ensured to implement all administrative actions including establishment of Census Support Centres and provision of facilities in centres and completion of all tasks well in stipulated time frame.

He directed all his commissioners to conduct a Forensic audit of selected human resource especially female enumerators and trainers.

He further emphasized on selection of appropriate facilities to training venues. He appreciated PBS for conveying their message well in time to all concerns. He hoped that data compilation process will be accurate and will lead to reliable data analysis and up to mark decision and policy making.

Dr. Shehzad Khan Bangesh, Chief Secretary KPK, in his closing remarks informed participants that census is an important tool for every kind of Planning whether it is developmental or strategic.

Districts are important Government units led by Deputy

Therefore, for every administrative and cooperative role in Government Deputy Commissioner is the focal point.

Therefore, confidence building and explaining the process of census to them will be really helpful in smooth field operation. He assured that districts in KPK will exhibit full support and cooperation.