PDM continues to repeat government ousting mantra

| Fazl questions under ‘what conspiracy’ govt suggested deferring the march | Says this ‘anti-inflation March will be last nail in coffin for current govt’ | Laments Govt over worsening economy

By Ali Imran
ISLAMABAD: Despite persistent persuasion by the government, the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) has decided to continue with the long march against rising inflation on March 23 (Pakistan Day).
PDM’s chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman, speaking to the media after concluding the all-parties session of the Opposition, said: “The PDM will enter Islamabad [on the scheduled day] and the government knew such a big march was due on that day, so under which conspiracy did they make such recommendations?”
Fazl said that all members of the PDM have decided that an anti-inflation march against the government will be held as per schedule on March 23.
He said: “People will turn to Islamabad from all corners of the country and this anti-inflation march will be the last nail in the coffin for this government.”
The JUI chief reiterated that the people of Pakistan have been overburdened because of inflation, and PDM rejects the government’s “mini-budget.”
He went on to say that since the government is non-serious itself, it is “also treating the country’s economy in a non-serious manner.”
He added that during the session, all Opposition parties have been directed to continue with the preparations for the long march.
Fazl reiterated that the Opposition would “never allow the government to trade the freedom and sovereignty of the country.”
“The PTI leaders have made a mockery of the country’s economy,” he asserted, lamenting that the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has been enslaved by international financial institutions.
Transparency International has shown govt their true face
Referring to Transparency International’s latest Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI 2021), in which Pakistan’s rank has fallen 16 places to 140 from 124 out of 180 countries, the PDM chief said that the current government labelled all other politicians as thieves; however, “the international institution has shown them their own reflection in the mirror.”
“Transparency International has exposed the true face of the incumbent government,” he said, adding that the PTI-led government is the most “incompetent, failed and corrupt” government in the history of Pakistan.