Peace efforts for Afghanistan

US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Ambassador Zalmay Khalzad met with Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa and discussed with him matters pertaining to the Afghan peace talks, being held between the representatives of Kabul government and the Taliban regional security and economic cooperation. After discussion in the meeting with Pakistan’s military leadership, the US point-man on Afghanistan felt confident that solution to the decades’ long Afghan conflict can found, if national interest is given precedence over personal interest. Zalmay Khalilzad euologised the sincere and the positive and active role of the Prime Minster and Chief of Army Staff for bring the stakeholders of Afghan conflict to the negotiation table. In the meeting with US Special Representative for Afghanistan reconciliation, COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa reinforced Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Vision regarding peace and connectivity in the region, adding that all elements of national power are united to making that vision a reality to ensure the long awaited peace, progress and prosperity in the region.
Just after forming government, the current political leadership framed and implemented a clear Afghan policy that aimed at bringing peace and stability to Afghanistan, on which hinges the security and connectivity of entire region that encompass central Asia and South Asia. The ruling political leadership of Pakistan did engage all Afghan opposition groups, President Ashraf Ghani and Head of the Afghan High Commission for and Reconciliation Dr. Abdullah and Abdullah to bring all stakeholders to the negotiation table for reaching an inclusive political settlement of Afghan conflict. The efforts bore fruit and at last the cherished dream of holding intra-Afghan dialogue came true.
Ironically, the US administration on the one hand appreciates the positive role of Pakistan for maintain peace and stability in the region but on the other it supports the Indian narrative of cross border terrorism by maligning the freedom struggle of Kashmiri Muslims. The statement issued after the 17th meeting of US-India Counterterrorism group held in Washington DC the other day pointed an accusing finger on certain militant groups banned in Pakistan to be involved in the so called terrorist activities in the occupied Kashmir. As a matter of fact the Kashmiri Intifada that started in 1989 is a homegrown freedom struggle, which the United States has unjustly equated with terrorism to support the Indian stance. The Indian held Kashmir is under siege since August 5, 2019 after abrogation of its special constitutional status by scraping Article 370 of the Indian Constitutions.