Peace Prize for Ethiopian PM Abiy


Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end almost two decades of conflict with neighboring Eritrea. Thus, he became the 100th Nobel Peace Prize winner, and the first Ethiopian. He got this award for his efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation and for his decisive initiative to end the long lasting military stalemate with neighbouring Eritrea. The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the five Nobel Prizes established back in 1895 under the instructions of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel in his will. The Peace Prize is awarded to the person who, in the preceding year, has done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.
The formal announcement by the Nobel Prize stated that Abiy was awarded the prize for, his important work to promote reconciliation, solidarity and social justice. The prize is also meant to recognize all the stakeholders working for peace and reconciliation in Ethiopia and in the East and Northeast African regions…efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation, and in particular his decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighboring Eritrea. The noble Abiy dedicated the prize to Africa and Ethiopia, said in his remarks to the award winning news that it is a prize given to Africa, given to Ethiopia and I can imagine how the rest of Africa’s leaders will take it positively to work on peace-building processes in our continent.
Prime Minister Abiy has also the honour of being the youngest leader at a time when nominated for Prime Minister last year. Since, then he has started implementing a swathe of economic and political reforms, for the purpose of opening up the economy to increase foreign investment and along with creating political space for the opposition parties in his country. This man after months of taking office, visited Eritrean capital Asmara, to meet President Isaias Afwerki, his aim was to shutdown the bloody chapter in his nation’s history. The conflict between the two started at the border in 1998 with a war, claiming more than 100,000 lives. Their conflict didn’t stop for years, both supported rebel groups to weaken opponent. The border between the two was closed since 1998, but Abiy used his diplomacy to sort this long conflict by discussing the issue with the opponent. His diplomacy won and with his visit four border crossing points opened. Back in his country, he worked hard to remove any restriction that is put on opposition and the rebel groups. This was a step towards taking them back into the country’s discourse. Since, they were part of the country, he just provided them space to be heard.
His efforts towards change wasn’t easy for many in his country, he had to face anti government groups and his political rival within his party. There was also attacks on his government senior officials which could show the extent of the challenges that he had to face for this change. His efforts to take all kind of measures to ensure and attract maximum foreign investment to his country, even brought the state controlled telecommunications and other industries to private investors.
With his vision, Ethiopia is on fast track and the economy is growing faster, soon will emerge as the leading country in African. The secret for his successful efforts to resolve conflict with Etritea could be credited to his Phd in traditional conflict resolution. Holding such a degree, makes him the most perfect person for leading his country, as today on every continent there are countless conflicts and only good well and such knowledge can resolve conflicts. His magic doesn’t stop at this furthermore he has served as a lieutenant-colonel in the Ethiopian National Defense Force, an acting director of the country’s cyber-security intelligence agency and science and technology minister.
Many around the world demanded this year the Nobel Prize should be given to Prime Minister Imran khan for his excellent leadership role in countering regional threats of nuclear war between India and Pakistan. As in February this year, the world witnessed the dog-fight between India-Pakistan, in which Pakistan captured Indian pilot and announced to return it as a goodwill gesture and also offered talks with India. Many peace loving people hope for such kind of leaders around the world to minimized the destruction cost by conflicts in the conflict redden regions. Leaders like, Abiy and Imran promote peace and harmony. Such news also encourage youngster, and they gets hopeful for the future of a peaceful coexistence. The world needs such leaders, only with their efforts could we remove the evils that destroy societies and take innocent lives and create chaos. The writer is a staff member.