‘People of IOJK facing worst military siege’

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Law and Justice Barrister Farogh Naseem has said that people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) were facing worst ever military siege and brutal violation of human rights.
The minister said that India stripped off the Kashmiris of almost all their basic human rights last year on August 5.
He stated that people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) have faced the worst military siege, in addition to the atrocities they had already faced on a daily basis at the hands of the brutal Indian Armed forces after the revocation of Articles 370 and 35A.
The minister said that Muslims in India were also not safe because the tactics Narendra Modi was using in the IIOJK are worse than what of fascist Adolf Hitler had used against Jews in the Nazi Germany, he added. The world must realize that Modi’s RSS ideology is worse than Nazism as the extermination of the Muslims is the key aim of this ideology and it is IIOJK where this ideology has been put into action, the minister maintained.
Farogh Naseem said that Youm-e-Istehsal is the day to direct the attention of the custodians of human rights and the international organizations towards the grave human rights violations, carried out by the Indian Army against our brothers and sisters in IIOJK. The Minister said that Indian Government was working on their sinister plan to alter the domicile law to impose demographic apartheid in Kashmir whereas on the other hand their claims of the biggest democracy in the world stand completely annihilated.
He added the time has come to expose the Indian illegal actions in IIOJK and it is our resolve now that will be continued every single day. Farogh said that Kashmiri brothers and sisters were not alone in their struggle as we stand with them and we stand united.