People’s Daily holds Global Media Coopration Forum

—— Event attended by huge number of media persons from across the globe
—— Forum, regular annual event by PD held after 4 year gap due to Covid disruption
—— World media hails China for pushing global economy via spectacular methodoligies
—— BRI lauded as game changer for human development
—— First Silkroad Media awards ceremony also hosted by PD

From Mahnoor Makhdoom

BEIJING: In the autumn of 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping introduced a visionary concept that would transform the global geopolitical and economic landscape – the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Over the course of the last decade, through the dedicated and collective efforts of multiple stakeholders, this ambitious idea has transcended its initial conceptual stage, evolving into a series of tangible, transformative ac-tions. It has progressed from being a mere vision to a living, breathing reality and has transitioned from a broad and abstract framework into a series of concrete, on-the-ground projects.
The BRI, in its journey, has gained immense practical significance, steadily mov-ing forward and demonstrating its resilience and long-term viability. It has effec-tively charted a comprehensive path that encompasses not only economic devel-opment but also principles of peace, prosperity, international collaboration, sustain-able and environmentally conscious growth, innovation, and the sharing of cultural values among the participating nations.

The participants of the forum, comprising both Chinese and foreign dignitaries, were united in the belief that media organizations from around the world should unite their voices and narratives to effectively communicate the ongoing process of constructing the BRI. They recognized the importance of this endeavor in fostering global security, facilitating increased international exchanges, and encouraging mutual learning among nations.
As for the theme of the 2023 forum, it is aptly titled “Strengthening Media Coopera-tion for a Brighter Future.”
This forum goes beyond a mere exchange of ideas. It also includes an important event, the Silk Road Prize for Global News presentation, which recognizes and honors the contributions of media outlets in effectively con-veying the BRI’s progress and impact on the world. Furthermore, a sub-forum has been organized, which specifically delves into the intricacies of regional coopera-tion within the BRI, reflecting the project’s dynamic and adaptable nature.
A significant and diverse array of participants graced the event with their presence, including over 130 foreign media executives, senior editors, and journalists. They represented more than 110 media organizations hailing from 75 BRI partner coun-tries. This level of international participation underscores the BRI’s truly global na-ture and the extensive interest it has generated worldwide.
Besides the media professionals, representatives from various ministries and commissions of the Chinese central government, state organizations, and major media institutions attended the event. Experts, scholars, and representatives from both state-owned and private enterprises actively engaged in the construction and development of the BRI were also integral to the discussions and deliberations.
The Media Cooperation Forum on Belt and Road, hosted by the People’s Daily, has consistently demonstrated its commitment to fostering consensus and bringing to-gether the collective strengths of the global community. Since its inception in 2014, the forum has continually expanded its reach, inviting over 1,000 representatives from media outlets and international organizations from across more than 100 countries. This inclusive approach underscores the forum’s fundamental objective: to serve as a platform for building a common understanding and harnessing the collective capabilities of nations to propel forward the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative, thereby shaping a more interconnected and prosperous global future.