Permanent basic farmland inquiry platform opens to public

BEIJING: Starting Monday, the public can access information online about the area and location of permanent basic farmland to confirm the nature of cultivated land and report illegal actions, such as any unauthorized changes to the nature of the permanent basic farmland, according to an official from the Ministry of Natural Resources.
As the permanent basic farmland inquiry platform launches on Monday, the public can now easily access information about the permanent basic farmland through various channels such as the WeChat mini-program, the ministry’s official website, or its app, said Su Qiang, deputy director of the farmland protection supervision department of the ministry, at a news conference in Beijing. Citizens are encouraged to report to local county-level natural resources authority when discovering illegal or unauthorized occupation of permanent basic farmland via the platform. The ministry will guide relevant departments at all levels to verify and handle any suspected illegal activities reported by the public, according to Su.
He added that the rollout of the platform marks the first time at the national level that permanent basic farmland inquiry services are being provided to the public via the internet. The scope of information available for inquiry follows the principle of maximum disclosure, although a small amount of data still requires further processing and refinement. The data will be updated and improved annually to achieve full coverage over time. “The rollout of the platform aims to strictly enforce the special protection system for permanent basic farmland, strengthen social supervision, ensure the public’s right to know and supervise, and firmly establish the responsibility for cultivated land protection at all levels,” Su said.
Permanent basic farmland is high-quality arable land designated by law and plays a crucial role in ensuring national food security. No unit or individual is allowed to occupy or change its use without authorization, according to the Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item