PFA foils smuggling bid of 775kg prohibited Chinese Salt

By U.Zee

RAWALPINDI: The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) confiscated and discarded a huge amount of prohibited Chinese salt worth 775kg in Rawalpindi.
According to details, PFA team intercepted the vehicle carrying prohibited Chinese salt and discarded the entire 775 kg. DG PFA said that the raid was carried out at Gunj Mandi where the vehicle was carrying the prohibited salt.
In 2018, the Punjab Food Authority (PFA) banned Ajinomoto, commonly known as Chinese salt, after the authority’s scientific panel found it hazardous for health. According to the findings of the scientific panel of the PFA, Chinese salt contains Monosodium glutamate (MSG) which can cause headaches, fatigue, palpitations, nausea and vomiting, sweating, flushing and numbness of the face, more so among people who are sensitive to it. It can also cause hypertension and is extremely hazardous for pregnant women, the panel found. The PFA scientific panel recommended banning the usage of Ajinomoto in all eateries, frozen foods, and all other food products.