Pilgrims returning home screened clear of cornonavirus

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: A group of 50 Umrah pilgrimages headed by religious scholar Haji Zawar Azhar Ali Mubarak from Saudi Arabia that arrived in Islamabad, was cleared of Corona virus, at Islamabad international airport. All 50 Umrah pilgrimages headed by religious scholar Haji Zawar Azhar Ali Mubarak arriving from Saudi Arabia’s city of Jeddah at Islamabad international airport, have been declared clear during the medical test of the coronavirus.
The Visitors of the 50-member contingent, accompanied by renowned social worker and spiritual personality Haji Zawar Azhar Ali Mubarak, visited the holy cities Makka and Madina for Umrah Ziarrat on 21st Day of Rajab-1441 Hijri calendar, to celebrate the birth of Hazrat Ali (A.S.). During the 23-day visit, the pilgrims also performed Umrah at Makkah and visited the holy city of Madina, offering special prayers for the prosperity of the entire Pakistani nation.
At their arrival at the airport, there were a large number of friends and family members who welcomed Dr. Azhar Ali and others at the Islamabad Airport and they were very warmly presented flower banquets. The pilgrims were allowed going home after being cleared of special medical tests for coronavirus COVID-19. For this purpose, the Embassy of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia provided all possible facilities for the Pakistani pilgrims. The staff at the Islamabad Airport also provided facilities to the pilgrims in good spirit. Special counters have been set up at the airport for pilgrims for this purpose. The pilgrims thanked the Prime Minister Imran Khan for wonderful arrangements by the federal government.
Earlier the Saudi governments gave 72-hour deadline to leave Saudi Arabia, for the Pakistani pilgrims. Amid the global rise in the coronavirus epidemic, some 142 flights were operated between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia in the past 72 hours, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) informed the oday.The CAA informed that 18,843 passengers were sent from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia whereas 21,180 passengers were brought from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan. CAA said Pakistan Civil Aviation has requested Saudi Aviation to increase the ultimatum by 72 hours. Airlines from both countries have requested further delay until 18th, CAA said.
Earlier Minister for Aviation Ghulam Sarwar Khan said that additional six to seven flights would be operated between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to bring Pakistani Umra pilgrims back home and take Pakistani workers to the Kingdom before the Saudi deadline of suspending flight operations ends. The Minister for Aviation, said that besides the national flag carrier PIA, the services of the country’s private airlines including Air Blue and Serene Air were being hired to meet the deadline of 72 hours given by Saudi Arabia.