Plan focuses on Carbon footprints

BEIJING: The Ministry of Ecology and Environment, in cooperation with 14 other national government bodies, has announced a comprehensive plan on carbon footprint management, with the aim of contributing to the development of international rules for carbon footprints by 2030.
The plan clarifies the objectives and management of product carbon footprints in China, according to a news release issued by the ministry last week.
Product carbon footprints refer to the total amount of carbon emissions generated by a product throughout its life cycle, including processes such as raw material production, transportation, distribution, use and disposal.
The release said the plan aims to promote the green and low-carbon transformation of production and lifestyles in China, and enhance exchange and mutual trust in carbon footprint management on the global stage.
By 2027, China aims to establish a preliminary unified national system for managing carbon footprints, according to the plan.
The country aims to develop national guidelines for calculating product carbon footprints in accordance with international standards, and will establish calculation rules and standards for approximately 100 key products by that time, the release said.
The plan includes setting up an institutional system for product carbon footprint labeling, authentication and tiered management. At a recent news conference, ministry spokesman Pei Xiaofei said that product carbon footprints are the most widely used concept in carbon footprint management. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item