Plant for Pakistan drive kicks off

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: On the occasion of 78th Independence Day of Pakistan, the Plant for Pakistan campaign has been kicked off in country in order to reduce pollution and promotion of plantation. Monsoon is the best season for planting as during this period, plants grow very fast and become mighty trees.
Trees such as neem, Indian rosewood and Indian coral tree are considered adaptable for the environment.
Besides planting the saplings, their look after is equally important to ensure overall growth. Trees will be planted across the country on the occasion of 78th Independence Day of Pakistan.
Trees act as natural air conditioners. Their expansive canopies provide much-needed shade, lowering the ground temperature and creating a cooler microclimate.
This is especially crucial in urban areas, where concrete jungles trap heat, creating a phenomenon known as the “urban heat island effect.” Studies have shown that strategically planted trees can bring down temperatures by several degrees, offering a much-needed respite from the scorching sun.