Platform installs wind power offshore

BEIJING: China’s first 2,000-metric-ton offshore wind-power installation platform was delivered for use in the Nansha district of Guangzhou, Guangdong province, deepening the potential of offshore wind power in the country.
The platform, named Baihetan, is the first offshore wind-power installation platform that meets the fourth-generation standards of offshore wind equipment in China and the requirements of integrated construction operations, including self-lifting and self-navigation in deep waters, according to a statement released by Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding, a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corp.
Baihetan was built by Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding for State-owned China Three Gorges Corp.
Cai Zhaobin, deputy general manager of China Three Gorges Materials and Tendering Management, said Baihetan is specially designed for high capacity and integrated operation in deep waters.
“Its lifting capacity, depth of operating water and the deck area all come first in the industry,” he said.
Baihetan stands on four legs up to 120 meters long — equivalent to a 40-story building.
It can float on the sea surface while slowly inserting its four legs into the seabed, passing through the mud to reach a hard layer.
It then lifts itself above the sea surface to allow the offshore wind-power equipment to be assembled on the platform, greatly reducing the difficulty of installation.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item