Platform to boost judicial protection

BEIJING: An online platform to help investors understand overseas financial laws and external market rules is to be established in order for Beijing to strengthen judicial protection in international finance.
“If the platform is established, domestic individuals and enterprises planning to go abroad will be given easier access to international conventions and the overseas investment climate,” Xue Feng, a vice-president of the Beijing Financial Court, said on Thursday.
Regarding the platform as key to implementing the central leadership’s requirement on promoting the rule of law at home and abroad, he said, “It will be an effective way for investors to prevent financial risks and improve the judicial efficiency of handling cases involving overseas affairs.”
The platform, to be jointly built by the court and financial administrations, including those in banking and insurance, will help the country create a market-oriented, law-based and international business environment, he added. The court has stepped up efforts to educate judges by increasing exchanges with law schools and academies nationwide to improve professionalism in tackling financial cases in matters involving overseas parties.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item