PM condemns Modi’s RSS inspired doctrine on IOJ&K

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: The Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan on Sunday said Modi’s Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) inspired extremist doctrine was very clear on Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) where Kashmiris had been subjected to worst human rights violations and deprived of their right to self-determination as guaranteed by the United Nations Security Council.
In series of tweets, the prime minister mentioned the relentless oppressive and inhuman tactics, Modi’s government was pursuing in IOJ&K through illegal annexation and brutal use of force. “Modi’s RSS-inspired doctrine on IOJK very clear: First, deprive Kashmiris of their right of self determination by illegal annexation of an occupied territory.
Second, treat them as less than human by a three-pronged approach: one, trying to crush them with brute force incl (including) using inhumane weapons like pellet guns against women & children; two, imposing an inhumane lockdown depriving Kashmiris of basic necessities from food to medicines; & three, by mass arrests of Kashmiris esp (especially) youth & isolating IOJK from the world by cutting off all communication links.”
The prime minister once again reminded the world community that India was trying to paint Kashmiris’ just struggle for self determination as terrorism and by leveling false allegations against Pakistan which could be used as pretext to launch false flag operation against Pakistan to divert world’s attention from state sponsored terrorism in IOJ&K being perpetrated by Modi’s government.
“Third, by trying to show Kashmiris’ right to struggle for self determination guaranteed in UNSC Resolutions as terrorism being abetted by Pakistan to create opp for a false flag operation against Pak while detracting world attention away from Indian state terrorism in IOJK,” he said.
Agencies Add: In occupied Kashmir, two Kashmiri youth were martyred by Indian troops during a cordon and search operation in Doda district of Jammu region on Sunday. Indian police, however, claimed that the youth were killed during an encounter with the troops in Posta-Potra area of Gundana, 26 kilometer from Doda town.
Earlier, an Indian soldier was killed in an attack during the operation in the same area. Indian Army Spokesperson, Lt. Col. Devender Anand claimed that the soldier was killed during a gun battle, which broke out between Indian troops and a mujahideen. Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Manoj Sheeri said that the operation was going on till last reports came in.
In occupied Kashmir, the Jammu and Kashmir Youth Social Forum (JKYSF) has demanded the release of all illegally detained Hurriyat leaders and activists languishing in different jails of India and the territory before Eid-ul-Fitr. The JKYSF Chairman, Umar Adil Dar in a statement issued in Srinagar said that the authorities were applying all tactics to suppress the ongoing liberation movement but would never succeed in its nefarious designs.He deplored that the authorities were implicating political leaders and activists in fictitious cases to prevent anti-India demonstrations in the territory, therefore, all the Kashmiri political detainees should be released before Eid. The JKYSF Chairman said, instead of facing Hurriyat leaders on political turf, the authorities are resorting to arbitrary measures against them to break their will. “All these arbitrary measures cannot weaken our freedom sentiments,” he added. He appealed to the Amnesty International and other rights organisations to use their influence for immediate release of Untoo and all other illegally detained Hurriyat leaders and activists.