PM convenes APC today

By Makhdoom
Shehryar Babar

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister (PM) Shehbaz Sharif on Sunday has summoned an “All Parties Conference” (APC) over the ongoing flood disasters in the country, which will be held at the Prime Minister’s House on Monday (today).
In this regard, the sources revealed that apart from Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI), all political parties including PDM and all allies have been invited to participate in the conference.
The conference will discuss measues to tackle the calamity befallen on the people due to the monsoon brust and flooding across the country.
It should be noted that the humanitarian situation in Pakistan has deteriorated further over the past two weeks as heavy rains continue to cause flooding, over 1000 have died due to rain and flood disasters in the four provinces including Gilgit-Baltistan, while millions have been displaced.
Furthermore, crops on millions of acres have been completely destroyed and many houses have become piles of rubble.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif announced a grant of 10 billion rupees for Balochistan government for the ongoing rescue and relief operation.
Addressing media in Haji Alladino village of Jafarabad district Balochistan on Sunday, the Prime Minister said relief goods from UAE, Turkiye and other friendly countries including United Kingdom are arriving soon in the country.
Appreciating the efforts of provincial government of Balochistan for working tirelessly to rescue affected people, he said we are utilizing our all-out resources for helping the people.
The Prime Minister also appreciated the role of Armed forces for their services in rescue and relief operations. The Prime Minister said he has contacted all services chief to discuss the entire situation of floods and related relief activities. He said helicopters of security agencies are also participating in different rescue operations.
The Prime Minister said after reviewing the whole situation, a meeting of the cabinet will decide short, medium and long term plans for the rehabilitation of flood affected people.
The Prime Minister said that he will not rest until all the affected people return back to their houses safely. The Prime Minister also expressed gratitude to all friendly countries for providing aid to help flood affected people in Pakistan.